Today was the day on Oct 23, 2001, Apple released ipod. It has done very well . Its largely possible due to the something called spintronics devices, more specifically GMR(gaint magnetoresistance ). The GMR discovery won two European scientists nobel prize for physics last year.

Well just 12 days to the 2008 US presidential election. Gen Colin Powell , former National security adviser,former Joint chief of staff,former secretary of state, and above all a stand alone brand , gave a glowing endorsement to Barack Obama. I think he was used shamelessly to push for war by the others. I hope he does comes clean now or at least write about it.

Now all know RNC spent over 150 thousand for Gov. Sarah Palin’s clothes. Not just that, they spent money for the grooming of the family. I thought Palin’s were professional’s , not from truckers derby or wwf or Nancy’s fancy dress party. Okay, the RNC says the clothes will go to charity. Can you tell me which charity? Or will they go to a dumpster. What about the 5k used for haircuts and salon services. How do they plan to transfer the highlights to the homeless? How telepathy!!

A formal complaint is more logged. Chris Matthews , is no fire now. He famously destroyed Michelle Bachman, who called Obama Anti-American. Yesterday , he nailed Nancy pf-lady, “through the halls of sacks and Neiman Marcus, she could not pick up a copy of the constitution”.

Now let us check are you a elitist. According to McCain and Palin, if you live in New York city and Washignton DC , you are an elitist , which makes New York city and Washington DC part or fake America. All those brave heros who lost lives on 9/11 where part of fake America. Talk about rudeness.

I found a funny caption site. Look here if you are look for a good laugh, it is called punditkitchen.

I am now editing the paper on flux trapping. I found the capacitance of the anodization layer in, Hypres process for the fabricating Josephson junction. It is about 1/10 the value of the junction capacitance. I am writing the report , more results later.